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Thursday, October 12, 2006


The Moral of the Story.

okay, I'm experiencing a sense of 'moral' outrage, over the predominance of 'my morals are better than yours' mentality that is so pervasive and devisive these days.

I was sent to a link to some asshat politician's site Fred Head, (I swear to God, that's his name, and no, I won't link to it.) some hopeful in Texas who is bashing his opponent for being a writer of pornography. This pornopraphic writer (this phrase is repeated, well, repeatedly during the diatribe on his site) dared to write a book with a sex scene in it. Yes folks, she wrote a romance. Okay, that pissed me off initially, but the more I thought about it my anger shifted to the whole 'she's morally corrupt' aspect.

What yardstick are we using here to rate ourselves against. (no, not ourselves because our morals are not in question, everyone elses then). Whose morals can bare any close scrutiny and come away squeaky clean? I know mine wouldn't. Does that make me a bad person, well by today's impossible standards of perfection I guess it does.

When this tactic is constantly used by our supposed leaders though, it makes me grit my teeth. In one swoop they damn the opponent as morally reprehensible, and by association anyone who would support that opponent. That's an awful lot of the electorate you're attacking there. It's dumb and counterproductive.

It's one thing I have to commend Prime Minister Steven Harper for. Going into the election I thoroughly despised him, was very leery of his party and their agenda, but I have to concede, his dogged determination to stick to the message of his policies and not engage in character or moral attacks on his opponents, made me view him with greater respect. He absolutley kicked his bleating, blaming, fear mongering, opponent's asses in every debate.

So leaders everywhere, please take note. I don't need you to preach morals to me. I need and want you to lead by example (if you don't cuss, state it simply, don't add on, that you think people who do are... (fill in the blank). Don't pontificate how you think I or my neighbour SHOULD conduct ourselves, we can make those decisions, right or wrong, on our own.

Thus endeth the rant.


X, did you see my Thursday Thirteen last week, about how I couldn't run for office because of all the incriminating things I'd written? Yup, I wouldn't last a week.

Hope you're well, X.
I think you missed my bigger picture. So. Don't. Care. How will 'he' perform better in the role of comptroller? If he's promising to not to write pornography, well gosh, good for him. Otherwise why bring it up? Anyone that resorts to name calling instead of a reasoned argument about the issues does everyone a disservice--no matter what political affiliation they're connected to. And frankly, albeit naively, I thought democrats above that sort of thing.

I did pop over and visit your blog. Wonderful as always. It's all good my end, apart from finding it hard to manage my time, and feeling too brain dead most nights to blog about anything substantive, or even moderately amusing.

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