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Thursday, August 24, 2006


Fat Bottomed Girls

Does obesity = obscene?

I've listened to at least three pieces this week on obesity. Two were local news snippets on their 'health beat', and one was an interview piece on a radio talk show talking to a nutritionist.

Now I'm not disputing any claims or statistics spouted during these pieces, (although I tend to dispute statistics fairly regularly). What I'm curious about is the overall message so gently said and repeated on nearly every network and radio channel on the continent at one time or another. 'Being overweight is bad for your health.' Now according to all these programs an overwhelming number of people in this small town, or that Province, or even North America, are obese. I want to emphasise how gently these health reprimands are couched. It's not the person of larger proportions that's the problem. no no. it's the fat's fault. That's what we're attacking here. The fat. not the person.

At least, not yet.

I really wonder about why the message is out there? Is it so everyone will live a long and healthy life, surely that's a noble motive, a message we as society can all get behind? But then I have to ask myself.. well, why do you care how any one else chooses to live their life? Is it perhaps because obese people may be a drain on medical resources? in which case the message isn't nearly as noble or gentle.

No matter how caring it's portrayed the gentle drip drip drip method of the message gets louder and more insistent: YOU MUST CHANGE. I am becoming increasingly convinced that it is an intrusion and judgement in and on people's choices. It's a cruel and relentless attack on a 'large portion' of society.


A company, Scotts Chemical Company, has done the following:
1. bought gym memberships for all it's employees that exceed 100lbs over the "recomended" medical weight for that paticular individual.
2. given those individuals 1 year to get down to the "recomended" medical weight.
3 fired all employees who did not comply

Why you ask? ... the insurance that they provide for their employees has offered Scotts a discount if all employees can comply with the weight restrictions.

Does this or does this not sound like discrimination to you???

A not so gental message

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