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Thursday, February 02, 2006


Why don't you all? Why don't you all? Why don't you all get fucked!

Hey it beats running up the nearest clock tower with an AK47.

Vile, bitching. Pisser! of a mood these days. No idea why, the only time in my life I've been more vile has been those times I tried to give up smoking. Uberevilbitchdemonfromthesixthlevelofhell.
Methinks little suzy homemaker is trying to wear too many hats and wearing them all poorly. I don't deal well with inadequacy. Being a pathetic overacheiver my whole life, failing in any area burns me something fierce. So for the next little while don't expect any sweetness and light or reasonable counsel from this quarter.


Of course, I could just be PMSing.

I would hug you, X-ie darling, but I'm a little afraid of getting too close and getting my head lopped off, or somesuch.

Still love you, though. (And you just go right on ahead and vent. It's good for you.) ;)

LOL, I have to admit to a similar fear, X. :) I wondered if that was what was going on with you lately. I'll make myself available for a ranting session anytime you want. :)

Big smooches,
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