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Sunday, February 19, 2006


Keep Myself Awake

Did I mention my new computer?

I spent the weekend battling with the transfer of files. All I have to say is, Steve Jobs has a lot to answer for for turning my miraculous Macs into fucking PCs. I'll spare you the mental rant (verging on tears) that occured during this process, suffice to say if I had a list like the FBI most wanted, or Bill O'Reilly, Steve Jobs would probably top it right about now.

In other news. My precious wonderous book files are once again safely housed and accessible. Strange how I haven't even looked at them since November, but boy oh boy, the mere possibility that I couldn't access them sent me into a serious anxiety moment.

Blog whoring going well. I got so involved reading an online discussion I even spent a portion of my time searching out and learning about fiat currency (yes this is how anal I am).

The weekend went as most of my weekends have gone lately. Friends over and far too much red wine consumed followed by a killer hangover on Sunday. Red wine, while excellent going down, should not be consumed by the multiple bottles. The body objects strongly on so many levels. I blame this all on my men folk who troll the liquor store looking for new 'labels' to try. The Bastards!

What else, what else. oh yeah. I'm registered for the Atlanta conference. So that will be great, to see all my writing buddies and crit partners (sometimes they're one and the same) again. These are people I share something so private, so intimate with... honestly, sex has less exposure than I have with these women. And when you think about it. The trust involved in baring your creative sweat to others... wow. It just makes me appreciate them that much more. For their support, encouragement, and absolute empathy. Perhaps only another artist could understand.

Merciful Zeus, I started out whiny and ended up maudlin. Time for another scothc, and to sign out methinks.



It's so good to be home and visit your place again. Missed this post before I left. I'm really, really, really looking forward to Atlanta, and now it seems Carla may be joining us - her 1st RWA, I believe.

Where's something new of yours for me to read, by the way???
As one scotch drinker to another- once you start spelling scotch scocht it's time to lay off. Or have a few more until it looks right again. I can never remember which....
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