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Thursday, October 27, 2005



Now THIS! guy knows how to enjoy his internet experience. Go on, click on the link.


I have to go scrub my eyes and ears now, Christine.
ROFL ... on he does enjoy himself doesn't he!

he ranks right up there with the "ding fries are done" ... (words stolen from X herself!)

LOL I just love a good laugh!
What a hoot! I almost used him as my Friday Feature Presentation, but then I found Uzbekistan Idol
Eeeeeyow. First time on your blog and this is what I see? ROFLOL! I *might* come back. LOL!


Oh, MY GAWD! This is hysterical! I can't stop grinning.

I'm about to go annoy everyone I know by emailing the link to them all, AND I'm going to post it on my Blog, too.

Thanks for sharing this, X -- you've turned a so-so day on its ear. :)

ps. GO ENTER THE CONTEST! I replied to you on my Blog. Seriously.
Ann wesley Hardin Knows, and now so do you! Uzbekistan Idol is reaching its climactic final and we need you to....i'd say vote, but that really dosent do much, so just come and see us and have a look at how everything is preceding...

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