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Friday, September 09, 2005


Am I Not Pretty Enough

Holy Crap On Eggs.

I just realised something. Everything I do in my blog (technique-wise) speaks to my voice/style/whatever and is in complete opposition to all the writing rules.
Beginning sentences with gerunds, conjunctions and {{{{horrors}}}} adverbs... liberal, fucking liberating use of parenthesis (god I love these suckers)... the ability to insert an aside freely, unrestrainedly...(also, making up words???)) oops there's another faux pas. Overuse of punctuation marks for eyebrow wiggling emphasis.

So squidgy I figured this out. I love blogging! oh, what the hell !!!!!!!!!


Some blogs are literary, some journalistic, some conversational. Anyone reading a blog rapidly figures this out (consciously or otherwise) and adjusts his expectations accordingly.

Just another way of saying: don't sweat it.
Blogging is completely different from fiction writing. We share some style points, but not others.

It's all about the audience and their needs.
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