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Wednesday, August 10, 2005


How Do You Do It?

I wish I knew...

A weird thing has been happening lately. People have been coming to me asking advice about blogging. The miniscule amount I know is, apparently, larger than they know, otherwise they'd run screaming. No, People have been asking about how to get traffic on their blogs or get started or get noticed... honestly I have no idea.

People started showing up (thankyouthankyouthankyou). But I didn't set out to create a blog and get noticed-- well maybe, in the back of mind, I was thinking about my career in writing and thinking I'd better DO something. Blogging seemed easiest and I'm all about the easy. Seriously, html makes me want to curl up and die. but I digress.

I knew I needed an online presence to promote my writing career, except, I don't have anything published yet. So what on earth would I put on a web page always supposing I could create one? okie dokie.. web page out for now... ooh I know, lots of my friends have blogs, I'll go check them out.

And I entered the wonderful world of socialising via blogs.

I've had this experience once before and that was when I became a member of eharlequin.com... the sheer joy of bopping from thread to thread checking out who was up to what antic today. did it amuse me? could I participate in the fun? suddenly blogging brought back that rush for me. And all my friends had links to more and more blogs. These blogs were not sanitised to offend the least amount of people. Here were individual personalities leaping from the screen. Funny, irreverent, thoughtful, provoking. Utterly wonderful.

I blogged, I bopped, I wrote naughty limericks again, and had a grand time. After about three weeks I created my own blog. I didn't tell anyone but kept visiting my new list of must-go-to-blogs. Eventually friends noticed my blue linky name and followed me back. Luckily I'd been rambling for about a week in the cyber abyss, so there was something for them to read. Others came as well. And then... that awesomely thrilling moment... someone. posted. a comment. (Let me take a moment here)

sigh, thank you.

That's when I finally got the word out to friends (only after confirmation I wasn't the biggest uberloser on the face of the planet). I don't get huge traffic on my blog. I don't aspire to be the #1 Romance writer blog in blog world. For now I'm having fun being me... I haven't had that unshackled ability in cyberspace for a long time.

So Rock on the blogs... and hey, (friends o mine) when you create one, let me know... I'd love to visit you. And I WILL visit you. Promise.


S'cuz we love youse.
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