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Saturday, July 09, 2005


Eyes Don't Lie

But apparently I do...

We were supposed to go camping this weekend, but the weather isn't co-operating. So hopefully I can drag out my notebook and figure out what is wrong with my plot that I can't move beyond the middle of Act2. I have a feeling my H has no real IC or maybe EC, or maybe both. Bah, writing! I'm filled with disgust.


Kate whispers
IC that's inner conflict?
EC and that's external conflict?

Of course I KNOW all these things being a writer and all. Yep. I just need reminding now and then.
Or what about the other end of the freakin' spectrum? Way too much conflict for a 15K-word novella. I've got conflict coming outta my ears.

And lemme tell ya, it *does* look damned funny.
What is he most afraid of? And what scares him most about his feelings for the h?

When you know those two things, then all you have to do is make the worst possible thing that could happen, happen. Easy. ;-)

Okay, not easy. Good luck!!
So, being all baby all the time these days, when I saw "EC" I thought... elimination communication! Ha ha ha... you can guess. My MIL heard me talking about trying it with Eve, and she says... that's training the parents, not the baby. I decided that with my cat, I have enough crap on the ground to clean up. ;)
Kris.. that's just not fair. Maybe I could take some of that conflict off your hands.
I'm sure we could negotiate a fair price. We're both reasonable women.

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